The Millennium Registrations system of 2001 is the standard for vehicle registrations in the UK. The standard issue registration uses two letters, two numbers, and then three letters. The first two letters indicate the regional code, while the two numbers provide an age identifier. This number format changes every six months, and the last three letters are randomised.
The format could be your clue to knowing the age of a vehicle. But what if you need a more accurate answer? Here are the following ways to determine how old a car is:
The V5C
The V5C is the car’s official logbook, which contains a section that lists the exact date of registration. This document accurately indicates the car’s age, make, model, engine size and registration number. Car owners can consider the V5C as every car’s “birth certificate.”
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Another way to tell the age of a vehicle is to look at its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). The VIN is inside the car and usually comes in the form of a metal plate. The VIN contains information about the car’s age, including its make and model year.
VINs are alphanumeric codes that provide the car’s manufacturer, model, and trim. Globally, the 10th character in VINs represents the year a vehicle was made. The VIN can help you tell when a vehicle was manufactured from 1980 to the present day.
HPI or DVLA Check
An HPI check can provide additional information about a car’s history, such as its MOT test results, past owners, and even any insurance claims. You can also get a Car Check report from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). These reports provide an in-depth look into the car’s history, letting you know its age and any other details you need.
Free Online Car Valuation Services
There are many free online car valuation services available. These services help you get the most out of your vehicle by estimating its age and value. However, these services only sometimes provide the most accurate information, so it’s best to supplement them with a V5C or a vehicle check.
MOT Check
All cars over three years old must pass a Ministry of Transport (MOT) test. A vehicle will not receive an MOT certificate until it has gone through the test and been found roadworthy. The age of a car can be determined by looking at its MOT certificate expiration date.
The Number Plate
As mentioned earlier, number plates can explain the car’s age. The two letters at the start of the plate indicate the region where the car was registered. The two numbers are age identifiers and can precisely tell when a vehicle was registered. The last three characters are randomly generated letters.
Understanding the two numbers is key to determining a car’s age. For example, if the two numbers are ’02’, you know that the car was registered between March and August 2002. Cars registered between March and August 2020 will show “20” as their age identifier.
Whatever your reason for determining the age of a vehicle, there are ways to help you do it accurately. Knowing your car’s age can be helpful for more than just buying and selling. It can also help you understand its actual value and potential problems and even keep up with maintenance schedules.
At Plates Express, we are always ready to help you create the perfect number plate for your car. Apart from our high-quality products, we also prioritise the accuracy of your number plates by understanding the age identifiers. We combine our knowledge with the latest printing technology to deliver your customised number plates as quickly as possible. Show off your car’s age with our number plates now!